Our Team Is Growing!


Yes, you read that right. After being in business for only a month, we are already adding on to Team Reardenstein. We haven't officially offered them the position, but I think that's because they can't hear us yet. Apparently that doesn't happen until Week 18.

You probably guessed it by now, but we are so thrilled to announce that we'll be welcoming baby girl Reardenstein to our family this Fall! 


Like all first time parents, we have no idea what we are doing. We've been getting extensive advice from friends and family, and it often feels overwhelming. We want to do things differently (isn't that what all new parents say?), and we also know that, going back to our words for the year, we need to learn to ADAPT. So at the end of the day, we have decided to say 'yes please' and 'wow, thank you' to all of the information and advice we can get, and filter as we learn for ourselves.


So, to all of the parents out there, what are things you wish someone would have told you before you had your first kid? What are the things you wish you had purchased? What about the things you felt you wasted your time or money on? What is your favorite "I will never do that!" statement that you've uttered that's caused you to take your foot out of your mouth and insert a little humble pie?

We have already started planning out the nursery and are excited to share that process with you in the coming months, so stay tuned!

All photos by Lisa Diederich Photography